Excellent discussion. Agree that some new treaty — and defense mechanism — is likely necessary and that both EU and non-EU countries should be invited to contribute. On the question of the UK’s participation, I am nervous about what the future could hold for the country’s politics. Might a Reform PM decide to undermine the whole thing or go quiet in a crisis? Would feel much better about the UK’s role if there was at least a simultaneous commitment to the Single Market alongside new defense cooperation.
Excellent discussion. Agree that some new treaty — and defense mechanism — is likely necessary and that both EU and non-EU countries should be invited to contribute. On the question of the UK’s participation, I am nervous about what the future could hold for the country’s politics. Might a Reform PM decide to undermine the whole thing or go quiet in a crisis? Would feel much better about the UK’s role if there was at least a simultaneous commitment to the Single Market alongside new defense cooperation.
Great article, happy to have stumbled upon it. If you're located in or around Brussels, I'd like to meet 🤝